SMART Fall Fitness


A change in the season brings a feeling of starting fresh. With kids going back to school and new programs starting – it’s the perfect opportunity to find time for you and your fitness goals, and to begin to establish a SMART routine that truly focuses on those goals.

Setting goals and achieving them! 

Only 8% of people actually achieve what they set out to on January 1st, each new year. So what can you do to succeed? SMART goal setting is a way to set goals that are truly attainable.

What exactly do you want to achieve?

M= measurable:
Measurable goals mean that you identify exactly what it is you will see, hear and feel when you reach your goal.

A= attainable:
Is your goal attainable?

R= realistic/relevant:
Is reaching your goal relevant to you? Do you actually want to do what you’re setting out to do?

T= timeline:
Set a timeline to achieve the goal, keep the timeline realistic and flexible.

September is the start for new activities

September is the month to register for new fitness/activity classes.  Programs for kiddies start at this time of year, and now that they are back in school and getting into their activities it’s a good time to look at adult classes as well. At the very least, the weather is still perfect for outdoor running, biking, hiking, walking and even paddling! Very little equipment is required and there’s only so many more days left before many head indoors to get out of the cold.  

Schedule time for yourself

It is likely that you don’t cancel an appointment if it is scheduled in your day planner.  Schedule time for fitness! If you set aside a half hour, 45 minutes or an hour each day and actually write it in your schedule you will be more likely to participate then if you just say to yourself you’ll get your workout in sometime in the day. If you have the time before, during or after work schedule it in, plan ahead and get it done!

Classes at Advantage Conditioning are offered 6 days a week! (See schedule and descriptions on Zen planner). All classes are appropriate for all fitness levels! We are trained to be able to modify all programs to best suit your needs.  We can accommodate first-timers, advanced level gym-goers, and participants who are working through injuries.  The classes are designed to make you feel accomplished based on your abilities! Don’t hesitate to come and try a class – we love seeing new faces and you may just surprise yourself with what your body can do!

Signing up for classes and showing up is a way to challenge yourself to stay accountable to yourself and your goals. There are 60 classes per month to choose from. Put the classes and times you want to hit the gym in your calendar and follow through with your appointment. These should be the most important “meetings” of your day!

Program Plans and Personal Training

If you’re more of an independent gym-goer, we offer personal training either at our facility (Portage Ave at Ferry Road) or in-home.  We also offer individual program designs.  Based on your goals, we will set up a program for you to do on your own time, at home or even at another facility, wherever you are planning to workout.

Buddies, Accountability Groups and Challenges

Finally, if you still need a little nudge to get you to focus on your health then find a friend to do this with you.  Having someone to help keep you accountable really does help! If you can find someone who has similar goals as you, work together to plan to achieve them.  If you are the competitive type, set up a mini competition with your co-workers/department/ work-out buddies (Who can attend 3 classes a week for an entire month? Or who can run/walk a total of 20km in a week, each week for a month?) If you need help with competition ideas and motivational tips, we can help!

Do it for Your Health

Health Canada suggests that we get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.  How can you increase your weekly activity outside of your scheduled fitness program? Take the stairs, park further from the entrance, cycle to work, or get off a stop earlier or walk to the next stop if you take the bus.  The little things do add up!

What are the activities you are participating in during the week?
Think cardio for longevity, resistance training for quality of life, mobility and flexibility for prevention of injury and increased agility and balance.


Choose colour. Add more fruits and veggies. Choose foods that have minimal packaging i.e., foods that state that they have 18g of whole grains, likely have 18g of added sugar as well.  Stick to the outer aisles of the grocery store for the majority of your shop and you’ll be eating mostly unprocessed, nutrient dense foods.

Increase fiber while reducing added sugar intake (watch for “tose”) – lactose, fructose, glucose, and limit alcohol.  September is also a fabulous time to invest in containers and lunch bags as they are on sale for back to school at this time.  Plan ahead, pack your lunch, and ensure snacks are pre-made to avoid the mid-afternoon cravings/slump.  

Set September as your start to a new year.  Plan to invest in your health, determine your goals, set out to achieve them and challenge yourself to move your body every day. If you have any questions, we’re here to help! Hope to see you in the gym soon!